Once you started, what was the most challenging
part of the designing process?
“Designing my packaging took a while and that was a
“My doll collection is a
dream come true, so
bit more challenging for me.”
What do you say to folks who are afraid of
following their dreams?
“My doll collection is a dream come true, so to all those
out there with big dreams, just keep working hard at
them. With strong faith, they will come true. Dream big,
and don’t give up. Surround yourself with people who
support your dream or people who understand that
dream. Dreams that are not worked on will just be
to all those out there
with big dreams, just
keep working hard at
them. With strong
faith, they will come
dreams. Do not force it and do not allow fear to chase
it. Push it forward with love and passion and then enjoy
true. Dream big, and
the success.The best you can do is try. And I believe that
if you have tried, then that in itself is a success. Do what
don’t give up.
makes you happy and live your best life.”
So how can we get our hands on the Malanite
beauties? Thank you Mala Bryan for sharing your dream
and vision with the world.
The dolls are based in South Africa for now and Thank you Manmay LaKay Magazine, it’s definitely
will soon be in the United States and Europe. But my pleasure.
they can be purchased online at
www.malavilletoys.com with worldwide and
expedited shipping.
Follow Mala and her dolls on Instagram:
@malavilledolls @malaville_@malabryan and on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MalavilleMB/