LOL . So , When did you realize that hey , I should have my own doll line or I will follow through with that recurring dream ?
“ As a collector , I couldn ’ t find beautiful black dolls so I made the decision to finally give it a go . Often the black dolls you find in stores are ugly and some even look angry . This really makes me upset . I wonder what goes through the creators mind when they make them .”
So you created , four beautiful black dolls . How does it feel to have your own collection ?
I wonder what goes through the creators mind when they make them .”
So you created , four beautiful black dolls . How does it feel to have your own collection ?
“ Getting my own dolls felt very natural . It was not easy but because I started collecting dolls first , I sort of eased into it . My first four dolls were created with different tones of brown because I couldn ’ t really find them on the market .”
“ Getting my own dolls felt very natural . It was not easy but because I started collecting dolls first , I sort of eased into it . My first four dolls were created with different tones of brown because I couldn ’ t really find them on the market .”
Who does Malaville cater to ?
“ My creations are for everyone , young and old , black and white , brown and yellow .”
Tell me , what ’ s the inspiration behind the name Malaville ?
“ Malaville is what I call my personal space . It is a very peaceful place for me . My ‘ zoned out ’ or ‘ daydream ’ world . A space I go into when I meditate or when I ’ m doing something creative . It just made sense to name my brand after my imagination .”
Accomplishments often come with challenges and I imagine the road to getting there wasn ’ t easy . What was your ultimate challenge ?
“ To just start ! There were a few people who told me it was not a good idea as I would be competing against big companies . But once I got started it was all about trying to communicate with my manufacturers in different time zones and teaching them about black skin tones and ethnic / Afro hair . Apart from that , I just talked myself into standing firm , believing that I ’ ve managed to have a dream manifest .”