Manmay LaKay Magazine Debut Issue | Page 40

So true indeed. Speaking of encouraging and inspiring others and drawing from what you just mentioned about self- confidence, how did you feel when you received an invitation to speak to college bound kids at Children of Helen's Scholarship Dinner? "Initially I was surprised (Whitney chuckles) and then nervous. What if I couldn’t meet the expectations? What could I say to inspire these young people or even the people in the room - I'm still trying to figure things out for myself." And then I thought I should be honest and paint a true picture of my struggles and triumphs, with the hopes that it will inspire them. In certain circumstances, it is best to guard your vulnerability, but in this situation I chose otherwise." It was such a moving and inspiring speech and you delivered it beautifully. In your speech you mentioned that your first few years at Harvard were very challenging. You said, "My confidence plummeted to an all time low during my  first few years of grad school. Each class was a dreaded brew of anxiety and fear of being “found out”. But you did exceptionally well. How did you overcome? "I viewed every challenge as an opportunity to grow and this often entailed stepping out of my comfort zone. I shifted from focusing on the actual problem to practical and methodical solutions to those problems. I created an extensive support system of both scientific and personal mentors. Having great