Manmay LaKay Magazine Debut Issue | Page 39

" see there are many people to thank for everything that I have accomplished today." This is truly remarkable. The adage it takes a village really rings true. So your house got burned to the ground and picking up the pieces I'm sure was challenging and the entire ordeal traumatizing, what would you say is or has been your biggest personal challenge in life thus far? "Biggest challenge, hmmm, self confidence is a hard one. I struggle with it constantly but I also work very hard to try to overcome the "I try to live a healthy lifestyle and infuse my insecurities. I realized that as I stepped into new cultural and intellectual spaces, it surrounding with became easier to doubt one’s ability. I also realized that a defeatist attitude was positive unacceptable. So, I try to push myself to do things that I may not necessarily feel comfortable doing initially. I also try to live a healthy lifestyle and infuse my surrounding with positive energy — reading books on positive psychology and self-development and listening to inspiring talks such as TED."  As a child your role models were your teachers and your parents of course, who inspires adult Whitney? energy  —reading books on positive psychology and self-development and listening to inspiring talks such as "I can’t pinpoint to any one person… I guess other scientists, humanitarians and people around me who work for the betterment of society. I try to learn from the lives of many people and take whatever is applicable or relevant to me." TED."