MangaZine Jun, 10. 2014 | Page 4


I am an Anime and Manga fan and have been immersed into the world of Anime since the age of 6. I believe Anime and Manga are so diverse, that everyone in the world will be able to find at least 1 Anime that they like the art is beautiful and the stories are truly inspiring.

Mangas and Animes revolve around many different themes, some revolve around romance, some around comedy, some are more into action and some are psychological. No matter where you look, you can always find an Anime or Manga that suits your tastes, but which ones are worth your time, and which

ones are not? How do you choose? Well, that is what we’re here for! All this experience in Anime and Manga isn’t a waste, no matter what your taste; we offer great reviews from many different genera of Anime and Manga.

Not everyone is into Anime, I get that, but if you are intrigued, even just a tiny bit, then keep reading, as we open up the door to this new realm, where story telling is taken to a new level. If you are into Anime and Manga already, then you know exactly what fun waits. So waste no more time and dive into the world of MangaZine!!!

Dear Readers,