Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 23

MU | Strategic Plan
Connect , Educate ) Into Wellness Community Health Fair included MU students in pharmacy , nursing and athletic training as well as area health organizations .
• We ’ ve set up a page ( https :// manchester . meritpages . com / updates ) to celebrate student achievements from first year through Commencement . The Merit system helps us share student stories on their personal profiles , as well as their high schools , elected representatives and hometown newspapers .
• Our undergraduate student body has become more diverse in the past few years , and we are asking students what helped them . Biology-chemistry major Sefunmi Babatunde recently shared with the President ’ s Diversity and Inclusion Council that she is paying it forward by mentoring younger students because in her first year she was assigned a peer mentor who was also an African American female .
• We are improving processes for completing and submitting course registration forms in response to student input .
• The Black Student Union , which is making a comeback after the pandemic , is reimagining its activities . A new event is the Sneaker Ball , a formal dance where everyone dresses up but wears sneakers .
• In addition to improved learning spaces and space for a clinic , Manchester University Fort Wayne construction is adding space for growth in the health sciences . We don ’ t know today what that will be , but the experience of the past 10 years tells us it is coming .
• In the Office of the Registrar , we learned that duplication of effort was clogging the system and slowing response times significantly . As a response , the process of requesting and delivering information was turned on its head . Changes in the office already speeded up Dean ’ s List hometown announcements by a matter of weeks .
• We ’ ve brought back a protected time for convocations – what we now call Values , Ideas and the Arts ( VIA ) – and the presentations are often used in the experience courses ’ curriculum .
• With changing demographics of our student body , a generous donor gave us start-up costs to launch a gospel choir . We hope to hear them in the fall .
“ The possibilities are endless ,” McFadden said . “ Our priority is the student experience . If we get that right , then the questions we ask and the answers we get are the ones we need . I might sound like a broken record , but the world needs more Manchester graduates !”
TOP : Manchester graduated its first cohort in Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing ( ABSN ) in December . Here , Joshua Collins ’ 23 celebrated with family at the pinning ceremony . BOTTOM : Student pharmacist Whitney Wolfe volunteers at the RACE ( Restore , Assess , Connect , Educate ) Into Wellness Community Health Fair .
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