Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 22

MU | Strategic Plan

M anchester University is streamlining and improving operations , telling our story , and making sure that students are central to all we do .

In October 2022 , the Board of Trustees adopted a new five-year strategic plan . It drives Manchester University priorities today and offers clear guidance as we move forward and transition from one president to the next .
Given its importance for the future , the administration outlined the plan at an all-colleague meeting and followed up with small-group sessions . Whole departments are setting aside times to examine what they do , how it fits the plan , and figure out what works and should be amplified or what doesn ’ t work and needs to change .
The strategic plan is , simply put , a roadmap to fulfill our vision : Manchester University will be known for transformative learning , engaging student experiences , strength from diversity , deep mentoring relationships , future-focused programs and our unwavering service to our students , neighbors and the world .
Our Mission Statement remains the guiding force and our rallying cry as we move forward : Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled , productive , and compassionate lives that improve the human condition .
The mission – our “ why ” – remains unchanged , while who , where , when , and how will evolve as new opportunities arise . Student success and long-term vitality are imperatives .
The strategic plan drills down on three areas designed to ensure Manchester ’ s continuing relevance , sustainability and contribution to improving the human condition .
Theme 1
Theme 1 is making known what makes the teaching and learning at Manchester distinctive . We will continue to adapt academic programs to meet student and prospect employer needs and expectations . This means more and varied opportunities for students to make friends , find mentors and participate in engaging experiences on and off campus .
The theme makes sure that students always come first . This means engaging the diversity of our community in how we teach , how we structure the curriculum and student learning , and how we build relationships between students and mentors . We will continue to prioritize effective teaching , strong internal partnerships , efficient processes and equitable policies that support and challenge our students .
Theme 2
Theme 2 prioritizes making Manchester an inspiring place to learn and work . It seeks to build community , promote an inclusive culture and serve students well from first inquiry through graduation and as they become active alumni . It will also help colleagues know where they fit into this student-centered approach and how they can help move us forward .
Theme 3
Theme 3 focuses on investment and growth . Our future depends on wise stewardship of our resources . This means more fully engaging alumni and investing in robust community and business partnerships . It also means reviewing the financial viability of academic programs each year and regularly reviewing and revamping operations with an eye toward efficiency and cost effectiveness . It recommits us to generating revenue each year so it can be reinvested .
The aim is to grow enrollment with academic programs that are relevant , accessible and sustainable ; foster a storytelling culture that celebrates student , alumni and colleague accomplishments ; and prioritize long-term sustainability in all financial and investment decisions . This means Manchester will seek significant financial support from alumni and existing donors while looking for new donors and partners .
Each theme offers measurable goals , action steps , timelines and key performance indicators to track progress , making it a living document focused on real outcomes .
“ Much of what the strategic plan outlines is not new – we were already doing much of this – but we weren ’ t necessarily doing everything in an intentional way ,” said President Dave McFadden . “ We also had some processes that weren ’ t student-friendly or simply weren ’ t efficient and needed an overhaul . If we put everything through the lens of the strategic plan , every move will make us stronger . That includes actively looking for new initiatives and responding quickly when opportunities arise .”
Examples of recent changes :
• Alumni are now getting a monthly alumni e-newsletter – a onestop shop filled with information about what ’ s happening and how they can continue to be involved .
• In years past , the Pharmacy Program had an annual Day of Service where pharmacy students displayed posters showing their volunteer service and its impact . This year , the Day of Service was live , organized for McMillen Park Community Center in Fort Wayne , offering free health screenings and information in a historically underserved area . The RACE ( Restore , Assess ,
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