Management Principles- How to Ace an Interview April 2014 | Page 11



4. Being unprofessional

This can range from poor attire to various interruptions, poor body language (slouching, fidgeting), poor etiquette,etc. It just not a good look and does reflect well on the indivdual.

5. Lack of confidence/ Over Confident

Yes interviews are nerve wrecking but you want to show that you are sure of yourself and have confidence in your abilites. So be sure to not to rush when speaking, speak slow and clear. However, avoid presenting yourself as someone who can do it all or cocky. Its okay not knowing everything. They like employees who are willing to learn and grow.

6. Talking about money

Let them bring up talk about salary and if possible try to negotiate or redirect the question back to them. They do not want an employer thats only in it for the money.

7. Dismissing questions and not knowing yourself

Do not avoid questions or beat around the bush. Do your best to answer honestly and professionally and if its something negative, back it up with a strength or shown improvement.

8. Forgeting to thank the interviewer

Thanking someone for their time and condiseration should be a basic to do but in case you did not know, not doing so is considered rude and can be the one simple thing that cost a position.

1. Not being prepared

Coming into the interview with no knowledge about the job or the company show the employer a lack of interest on your part. Also you don't want to show up unorganized, unprofessional or sloppy. First impression are important and you are being evaluated on everything. Come dressed the part with a resume.

2. Dishonesty, Rudeness, and Negativity

Any person, especially an employer will not want to hire a person who is not truthful, talk bad about themselves or others (previous workers or employers) and does not present the proper work place etiquette. Interpersonal skills are important as well as communication. They want to know that you are a dependable candidate.

3. Rambling on too much and getting off topic.

No likes to hear someone talk on and on. They will be looking for good, effective, precise and meaningful answers to question that really tell who you are as a person and an employee.