UNDERSTANDING ASSET ALLOCATION TRENDS AMONG MALAYSIAN HNW INVESTORS Cash and equities dominate asset allocation Malaysian investors are most comfortable with equity investment Equities constitute an enduring component of the typical Malaysian HNW portfolio Malaysian bond investments are growing in popularity Cash and near-cash products constitute more than a quarter of the average portfolio Property is a small but significant element of Malaysian HNW portfolios Alternative investments make up a tiny proportion of HNW portfolios Malaysians are even less interested in commodity investment than the rest of the Asia Pacific region
HNW PRODUCT AND SERVICE DEMAND Compared to their peers in Asia Pacific , Malaysian HNW individuals show less interest in planning services Inheritance planning is a surprisingly low priority New tax changes for HNWs are likely to spur demand Pension planning services are expected to grow significantly A depressed property market has reduced the need for investment advice Demand has slumped while oversupply has flooded the market Investors are reluctant to increase their risk exposure through loans A pessimistic outlook means low demand for loans is unlikely to improve Providing Sharia-compliant products and services is a must in Malaysia
To Get Full Report Click Here @ http :// www . radiantinsights . com / research / wealth-in-malaysia-hnw-investors- 2016
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