MAL52:23 | Page 4

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Marketing Africa Team
William Kalombo , Mutua Mutua , Allan Muraya , Fred Ombati
Editorial Contributors Mutua Mutua Senorine Wasike Fawzia Ali-Kimanthi Herman Githinji Emily Manjeru Diana Obath Irene Mbonge Dr . Maureen Owiti Kellen Kiambati Emma Ngutu Isaac Ngatia Jonathan Kyetume Geoffrey Sirumba Lionel Marumahoko Kehinde Ruth Onasoga Chris Githaiga Samson Osero Thrity Engineer-Mbuthia Dr . Wale Akinyemi Michael Nzule Jan Okonji Joseph Lunani Walter Chabala Robert Wamai Reuben Kisigwa Daniel Oseman Pauline Warui Mariam Abdul Raphael Kioko Marion Wakahe Dr . Clifford Ferguson Walter Nyabundi Enock Wandera Wasilwa Miriongi Kepha Nyanumba Monica Kabui Martin Muli Susan Atieno Maureen Jagona Okore Anthony Taiti Joe Nyutu
Marketing Africa Magazine is published by Marketing Africa Limited . Views expressed in the articles and contributions are not neccessarily those of the publisher . The Publisher reserves all rights . Material may only be reproduced with prior arrangement and due acknowledgement to Marketing Africa Magazine .

On The Master Script

The year is 2023 , a whole six months has elapsed since we held elections last year that were lauded by the international community as the most peaceful Kenya has ever had and indeed the most peaceful ever seen in an African setting .
The usual electoral disputes were raised , again in an orderly manner and the Supreme Court discharged its duties by hearing the case and after deliberation came to the conclusion that the incumbent president won the election fairly and transparently .
The losing candidate , who had been expected to win since he had massive government support , magnanimously accepted the ruling although he did not agree with the verdict which further cemented Kenya ’ s image as a rare mature democracy in a sea of African political turmoil .
One would imagine that this stellar performance by Kenyans would make us the African poster child of democracy but the series of events that have occurred since then makes one wonder whether the elections were held elsewhere and the results imported into Kenya .
The run up to the elections was very tense and many expected that there would be the usual violence and disorder that characterizes many African elections . This is the script that has operated in African elections and since it did not happen in Kenya , there was an air of disappointment .
How else would you explain the government ’ s obsession with sharing many conspiracy theories telling Kenyans of the many plots and counter plots to keep them from office ? It appears they expected to lose and they had a complaint script ready and are using it even though they won .
It is akin to going to an insurance company to lodge an accident claim for an accident you were sure was going to take place , probably because the driver was inexperienced but the accident did not happen but you feel you should be compensated for the stress caused by the expected accident .
In fact the government was so angry to have won the election that the first order of events that was high on their priority list was to set up a commission of enquiry to punish those that did not believe in their victory . Was the result supposed to be unanimous for it to be legitimate ?
The IEBC is an independent body and it sounds hollow to accuse its members of being incompetent since that charge should have been made before the elections not after the elections but since the script says the commissioners were to blame for a loss that didn ’ t happen , justice must be served .
The chair of the electoral office is appointed on the premise of being a person of high integrity and incorruptible . So if he was able to discharge his duties as per his job description then he was merely doing his job , why is he then being hailed as a hero , was he expected to fail as per the script .
The independent bodies created by the constitution complete with tenure of office , were so created to enable them to operate without fear
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