MAL52:23 | Page 18

The next COP28 will delve into areas where countries are falling short on emission reductions and what they can do to change that . The next conference will therefore focus on ‘ global stocktake ’ which takes stock of government actions and assesses collective progress to hold countries accountable to their commitments .

Greater Call For Brands On The Sustainability Agenda

By Diana Obath

The just concluded COP27 that took place in Egypt in November 2022 brought to the fore the need to establish a loss-and-damage fund to compensate less developed nations for the impacts of CO2 emissions . It was outlined that 138 countries with less than 1 % of annual CO2 emissions are dependent on 20 countries that make up 80 % of the total annual CO2 releases while bearing the highest impact of climate destruction .

As conversation on climate change evolve and conferences continue into the year , the outcomes will inform government policy for many countries and is expected to impact legislation and will eventually become a significant consumer issue . Not only will the issue of what to do with funds channeled to the climate crisis take the lead , but consumers are expected to become more aware about the impacts of CO2 emissions and how this affects their daily decisions including where the food they buy , the items they buy and even the sources of energy they prefer to use comes from .
Already , African and Sub-Saharan Africa in particular has come under focus because of the impact of extreme oscillating climate conditions that range from severe floods to droughts within short periods of time . The governments of these countries are also shorthanded when it comes to these

The next COP28 will delve into areas where countries are falling short on emission reductions and what they can do to change that . The next conference will therefore focus on ‘ global stocktake ’ which takes stock of government actions and assesses collective progress to hold countries accountable to their commitments .
crises and often times rely on corporate or international partners and bodies to extend their buck towards finding resolve . The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction called out the fact that these erratic climate
change trends can lead to 560 disasters per year by 2030 and push over 100 million people to poverty .
The COP meeting this time round also allowed the voice of the young people to be heard with a pavilion for children and the youth and the first-ever climate forum . Women were also highly represented . The conference covered the key segments and brackets that would be affected by the impact of climate changes - mostly women and children . This move has allowed for the direct nexus of health and the climate crisis to be discussed in light of its real impact from a top down and bottom-up approach to ensure greater understanding and alignment around the real impacts and the benefits of change by hearing the perspective of the impacted groups more clearly and learning new ideas while ingesting the expectations of the affected groups to know exactly how to craft the right policies .
Children may be more worried about the effects of climate change drawn from the picture painted in schools and clubs of the impacts of climate change . This forum allowed them to express how they feel about climate change and how these issues can negatively impact their lives .
The discussion on the impact of climate change now underlines what needs to be
18 MAL52 / 23 ISSUE