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Currently , many professionals worry that they will be replaced by robots or that giving AI ’ s too much power will affect their jobs in the future . While AI may not be a replacement for PR and Marketing professionals ( for now ), it serves as a powerful complement to their activities .
chatbot that just burst into the scene at the tail end of 2022 . It creates something entirely new based on open-ended questions or prompts and it does this in shockingly elegant prose for a non-human .
Cision Software , also an AI tool , has a media database with over 1.4 million professional media contacts and 1.1 billion social influencer profiles across the globe . The platform includes AI and machine learning capabilities that help to identify and track narratives online through articles , blogs , tweets , and other social chatter , highlighting the ones that could either help or hurt an organization while also helping in the identification of reporters and influencers who overlap with the targeted audiences of any given campaign .
There are many other AI powered tools for many other tasks , including designing of brand identities , identifying potential markets for new product launch , the list of what can be accomplished by AI tools is endless .
Automation , acceleration , and access to more accurate metrics like the scope of reach , sentiment , and engagement rates with the help of AI-powered platforms are transforming the marketing and public relations industries . In addition to that AI can help with an in-depth search through all the volumes and varieties of information while helping firms to assess digital platforms swiftly and identify relevant platforms or content using specific keywords and phrases that hold significance to their clients and business . For any organization seeking to have an audience , new types of skills are needed such as big data analytics , user experience , and predictive artificial intelligence - all proficiencies required to compete effectively in a more and more crowded marketplace .
Will AI completely do away with human interaction ?
Currently , many professionals worry that they will be replaced by robots or that giving AI ’ s too much power will affect their jobs in the future . While AI may not be a replacement for PR and Marketing professionals ( for now ), it serves as a powerful complement to their activities .
PR is a “ human ” industry that strives to harness the power of storytelling , which requires human intelligence and cultivating relationships with those we

Currently , many professionals worry that they will be replaced by robots or that giving AI ’ s too much power will affect their jobs in the future . While AI may not be a replacement for PR and Marketing professionals ( for now ), it serves as a powerful complement to their activities .
engage with , such as our clients , editors of different publications , and on-ground target audiences . While it may appear that artificial intelligence would eliminate jobs , it is my take that indeed , it will likely create new jobs that are currently not in existence ; and we might have no way of knowing how those jobs will look like at this moment .
Professionals are not likely to be entirely replaced by AI as the AI technologies available today can only perform majorly cognitive task , granted , they can do it with much more precision and accuracy than a human can . Suffice to say , with more and more intelligence and machine learning capabilities being fed into the AI platforms , we are seeing the line between what machines can do and what humans can do get more and more blurry . An interaction with Chat GPT for instance gives one the feeling that indeed its more that just another chatbot ; It ’ s a thinking , reasoning and almost feeling chatbot .
Nevertheless , although AI can automate some processes and offer insightful data , it cannot replace the human touch . PR still relies on human interaction for most major projects , cultivating relationships and offering insights and recommendations on how to leverage the actual data gathered by AI to get the best possible outcome for organizations .
Therefore , organizations must learn how to use it to their advantage by recognizing the enormous variety of tasks that can be made more efficient through the deployment of AI in business processes . Rather than viewing AI as a threat to the industry , professionals should embrace AI as colleagues and find ways to leverage the strengths of both machines and humans .
We should therefore not look at AI with apprehension but consider all it can do to make the workplace a more efficient environment - with the customer being the beneficiary . Ultimately this should also impact on the bottom-line as a result of increased efficiencies and interactions .
How can professionals stay ahead of the curve ?
Where there are challenges , opportunities abound . That ’ s my believe …, and any savvy professional should be staying ahead of the curve by embracing emerging trends and utilizing new technologies to connect with their audiences . The ability to think outside the box , be ahead of the news , hijack the latest trends , and cultivate the right audience is required . Communication plans must be able to envision the present and future . Being forward-thinking and coming up with bold and impactful ideas are skills that are currently required in the industry .
Seasoned professionals will need to become more technically and numerically literate because the aforementioned shifts will call for new skills . Instead of going back to school , professionals and relevant organizations will need to set aside time for online training and certification courses because most of the learning will be about comprehending and deploying software and platforms . AI and data analytics are not only tools to help you do your job more effectively ; they also alter the parameters of what is feasible .
By now we should have moved past the stage of technological shock or fear . AI is here to stay , whether we like it or not . We must therefore embrace disruption and strive for inclusion rather than exclusion . Turn our fears and concerns into excitement and motivation because AI will not be the last disruption for the workplace . So , keep moving . We don ’ t just want to stay in the game , we need to be ahead of it . What ’ s next ?
Irene Mbonge is the Group Head , Corporate Communication & Public Affairs at CPF Group . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail at : Mbonge . Irene @ gmail . com .