MAL39:20 | Page 97

first world of this nature is quickly dealt with and Africa is the area that suffers prolonged outbreaks .
The usual international doomsayers cast their eyes on Africa and modeled catastrophic figures of the human suffering and misery that would wreckhavoc in Africa . The projections were enough to send any African country into a panic and the WHO mandated protocols became the law .
By what we can only call divine intervention Africa was spared the brunt of the infections which we would have been and still are inadequately prepared for since Africa does not have the requisite medical infrastructure to deal with a highly infectious disease .
Schools closed and since we also do not have the national infrastructure to enable online learning the decision was reached , after it became apparent that the battle with the virus was a longer term issue , that students would have to repeat the whole year .
There was a general sigh of anguish from students and especially for those that were to sit for the transitioning exams . The statement was easier said than done when the government realized that the logistics of repeating a year had other ramifications that they had not foreseen .
The psychological impact of repeating a year was less onerous than the logistical disarray that the missed year would create in the education sector . So an announcement , obviously without much thought was made that transitioning students would resume school to enable them sit exams .
This decision was made without taking into consideration where the transitioning students would transition to if the rest of the students were still at home . So it was decided that a compressed curriculum and school calendar would be used to allow all students progress normally .
Just as the education ministry put out a timetable to enable the rest of the students join the transitioning students the second wave of Covid-19 hit after the relaxation of the lockdown protocols and Kenyans dived headlong into irresponsible living styles .
The parents , who pay the school fees had equally been affected by the virus , many having lost their jobs , they took on the government complaining that the laid out plan was not only economically unviable but would subject everyone to undue pressure and disadvantage many .
The resurgence of the Covid-19 threat has forced the education ministry to reschedule the opening of schools to the general student body and a January opening date is now on the table which assumes that the virus threat would have been contained by then .
The country is still grappling with how they will bridge the gaping space that the virus has punched into our lives and especially the education system that depends on an orderly transition from one year to the next without breaks except for scheduled holidays .
The trials and tribulations of the Kenya government in an effort to kick start a normal life were made the more harder by the existence of a Magufuli across the border who had declared that the virus that was derailing Kenya was not in Tanzania .
The bulldozer that he is ensured that one reported the existence of the virus in the country at one ’ s peril . Many a newspapers had their licenses revoked for daring to report about the existence of a pandemic in Tanzania . Ochieng guesses that the virus was officially banned from the country .
This situation created a surreal atmosphere and fed the many conspiracy theorists in Kenya that continuously reiterated that
the pandemic was a hoax designed by the Kenyan government to enable the thieving baron class to steal donor and national funds .
The very fact that we did unearth a cabal of the so called corona billionaires who had put together an incredible plot to steal the relief funds made the control of the virus especially hard for the government because the people did not believe them .
Rwanda was adhering to a very strict protocol and so was Uganda but their sterling effort was dismissed in Kenya as the work of dictators who were just finding a new excuse to trample the rights of a people already on a tight leash .
So Tanzania inadvertently became the reference point for Kenyans as the struggle to contain the pandemic was unfolding . When Tanzania stopped reporting the virus incidence and ignored all the recommended protocols the job in Kenya just got harder .
Magufuli did not shy away from making fun of Kenyans and their addiction to foreign prescriptions and actually took the time off to pray for Kenyans so that the scourge leaves our borders and further refused to cooperate with all cross-border safety measures put in place to stop the spread of the virus .
So when the Kenyan government relaxed the lockdown measures which by now most Kenyans believed to be fictitious the country went into a nightclub binge and