You Can Search For
Success In A Distressed
Situation And Find It
By Herman Githinji
n my past articles, I have expounded on
many principles of success. The other
day when I was telling my friends
about those success articles, they laughed
out loud and I wondered what was the
matter. But soon I realized the joke of a
guy who had written a book titled, “How
to Make Money Quick” and at the same
time, he was asking for financial help to
publish the same book.
I am not yet successful but, please, cut me
some slacks; I have tried. I write these
success principles based on research from
the many books I read, and also from
observing the behaviors of most successful
people, as well as talking to them. But let
me confess, the one book I never read
when doing my research was the bible. I
never thought it would have some wise
counsel about success.
In May 2018, I wrote an article about
success titled, “We can search for the
right actions in a difficult situation and
find them”. In that article, I was arguing
that we can take personal charge of our
success through dedicated and practical
methods. I articulated that even if the
divine intervention has its place, personal
effort and dedication takes precedence.
After that, I have written several other
articles about success.
On 17th October night, when I was
sleeping, a unique voice came to me
saying, “You MUST read the Bible.”
In my sleepy head and defiant nature, I
asked, the bible is too big, where even do
I start? The voice came back to me and
said, “Read Deuteronomy!” As you would
expect, I didn’t know what Deuteronomy
was all about.
So, in the morning I woke up a bit worried
about what this was all about. I quickly
googled what Deuteronomy is about from
my phone. It is a book that promises
To achieve success, we must continual-
ly, and with the integrity of heart and
righteousness, seek God with all our
minds and with all our hearts. And when
we seek him, we will find him. When we
find him and He is with us, he will make
us victorious, he will make us powerful,
he will make us great in whatever we
undertake and wherever we go. What
an assurance?
04 MAL33/19 ISSUE
both good and bad, blessings and curses,
life and death. It is a book written by
Moses to Israelites before they crossed
over to Canaan, with dos and don’ts, and
consequences of blessing and those of
That morning, I went and bought myself
a bible. In the Godly realm, trusting and
obeying is fundamental. I read the book of
Deuteronomy twice. After that, I decided
to start reading from Genesis onwards. I
have been reading the bible with a lot of
anxiety and expectations. What does the
Lord want me to learn from it? When
you read the Bible from a divine order
like mine, the words in there inspires you
But the one thing that has inspired me,
struck me, and stayed visible is all about
success. You can achieve victory, power,
greatness, wealth, or whatever you choose,
or whatever success means to you, if you
follow the principles laid out, particularly
in the Old Testament. The Bible is awash
with examples of people who succeeded in
all these areas and we can learn the source
and foundation of their true success.
In 2 Samuel 5: 10 and 1 Chronicles 11:
9, David became more and more powerful
because the Lord Almighty was with him.
2 Samuel 8: 6 “The Lord gave David victory
wherever he went.” Genesis 39: 23 “Lord
was with Joseph and gave him success in
whatever he did.” It is clear that if you
want to succeed in whatever you choose,
whether business or in employment, God
must be with you.
We all need some favor to grow, succeed,
and achieve greatness wherever we work.