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CREDIT MANAGEMENT Do’s And Don’ts Of Customer Visits As A Tool Of Debt Collection By Wasilwa Miriongi O ne client who had given me debt collection accounts once asked why I was able to collect an amount they had given up three years ago and my answer was simple, I visited the customer’s premise and we went through the reason for non-payment. to action to pay when you are standing right in front of them and even taking tea together, as opposed to an email or a mere telephone call. This also gives you a chance to strengthen your relationship with the customer; you don’t have to be the grim reaper standing on their doorstep. One thing I realized was the company’s records got burnt but we were able to reconstruct the evidence to enable the payment. We got the details of the van that delivered the goods, and the dates of delivery were important here, from then they were able to retrieve authorized delivery notes which were a point of contention. Then we just agreed on the payment dates. Importance Of Customer Visits So many invoices go unpaid because of lack of such mechanisms as credit controllers just operate from their office without visiting customers to get their real challenges first hand; the secret sometimes may lie with customer visit. Studies have shown that if you can make a personal visit to a customer, you are much more likely to have success with your open accounts. It is hard to ignore a call Customer visits can generally offer the credit department valuable insights about the risks and benefits associated with doing business with their customers. It’s important to consider personal visits because they give the credit manager a unique perspective about the competitive environment in which their company competes, provide an opportunity to build rapport with the customer, and often result in faster payment - at least in the short term. It is easier to convince a customer to share financial statements during a personal visit than it would be on the phone, and it is also easier to convince the customer to repay a balance they claim to be in dispute. Personal visits enable the credit decision- Personal visits enable the credit deci- sion-maker to make better-informed deci- sions about their customers’ long-term vi- ability, and during a tour of the facility, an observant credit pro will often be able to see for themselves which other creditors are selling to the customer. 88 MAL35/20 ISSUE maker to make better-informed decisions about their customers’ long-term viability, and during a tour of the facility, an observant credit pro will often be able to see for themselves which other creditors are selling to the customer. The visiting credit professional will be able to observe firsthand how busy their customer’s business is, how well-organized the customer’s business seems to be, and can examine the customer’s production equipment to see if it is (a) state-of-the- art (b) outdated, or (c) somewhere in between. The credit professional can discuss the customer’s future plans, and long- term goals, the customer’s future credit requirements, and utilize the visit as an important tool to discuss and resolve past due balances. The Do’s And Don’ts Whether you are visiting a customer to introduce yourself, to solve a problem, or evaluate a request for a change in their credit terms or limits, there are some things you have to remember. Here are some of the major do’s and don’ts of an accounts receivable customer visit. Things You Should Do Take some time before the visit to put together a complete and up-to-date folder that has all of the account’s relevant credit information and other related documents. Travel with the sales person that works