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the Kenyan health-worker Chinese style. I will not look down on any health-worker who declines to work without adequate protective clothing when dealing with a confirmed case of Coronavirus. That said and done we have also seen videos from many places that have been able to get to what medics are calling flattening the curve i.e. they have brought the spread of the virus under control. These countries such as Japan and the Czech Republic have attributed this to widespread use of masks by everyone whether or not they have the disease. It may not be feasible for the Government to issue every Kenyan a fresh surgical mask every day so I would definitely recommend that ordinary citizens cover their noses and mouths at all times while outside their dwellings and all sick people to wear masks at all times. Even as a medical person I must repeat what we already know. The single most important step in infection prevention is… wait for it… yes hand washing. That simple just wash your hands as often as possible and if that is not feasible then walk around with hand sanitizer in your pocket but do hand wash ever so often. After every five uses of the hand sanitizer it is always advisable to wash your hands. There are several videos from professionals, media personalities and even adorable ones from children. Kindly watch (if you haven’t already done so) and do practice hand hygiene. The reason behind this is that Covid-19 is spread both via airborne and droplet infection. When you touch surfaces you pick up viral particles and when they come in contact with mucus membranes i.e. eyes, nose, mouth they gain entry into the body. Message: Wash Your Hands As Often As You Can! This article would be incomplete without over emphasizing on what we already know but somehow don’t seem to either comprehend or want to be compliant with. Stay At Home! This can make a difference between life or death. Death does not necessarily have to be yours but if you think about it we have many people we love who would be very vulnerable in the event of an outbreak. My mother for example is 67 years and we all know majority of deaths have been in the elderly people across the world. To protect our parents, and if blessed to still have them around our grandparents, kindly avoid visiting them. Organize such that there should be no visitors who come but ensure they receive supplies which should be decontaminated prior to entering their premises. It is a time where staying away from your parents is actually now a sign of true love! I know this is a big challenge but Covid-19 is here with us and yes it’s the government’s responsibility to take care of its’ citizens but it is also the duty of every citizen to do their part in stopping transmission. Stay safe and be blessed but life will never be the same again even after Coronavirus. Dr. Maureen Owiti is a practicing Obstetrician Gynaecologist and fertility consultant based in Nairobi. You can commune with her on this or related matters via email at: [email protected].