and negative? Are you usually optimistic
or pessimistic? Real and accepting or
highly judgmental and critical of yourself
and others? Overall do you view life
as good, or is it hard and difficult with
nothing to smile about? What do people
tell you about yourself? Do you need to
change anything?
Forgive yourself and others
Who has hurt you in the past? Forgiveness
is an important key to freedom, yet many
people struggle with it. Forgiveness
does not mean accepting the wrong or
sweeping it under the carpet. Rather, it
involves acknowledging the wrong done
to you and choosing to no longer hold it
against the other person. Write down the
names of those you need to forgive and
release them. It’s that simple. If you are
struggling to forgive, pray for grace and
strength to do so.
Also forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Rather than wallowing in regret and
self-recrimination, have compassion on
yourself. You can’t change the past, but
you can learn from it, and move on, with
greater wisdom.
The reflection part of this process may be
intense as you revisit previously unresolved
issues and unhealed wounds. It’s acceptable
to grieve or cry, however do avoid getting
stuck in sadness, anger or brokenness. If
you realize that you have some unresolved
issues, seek spiritual or professional help
so you can move forward.
Set Clear Goals
Review your work and ensure that you
have fully covered everything. Once you
are satisfied, you can now look ahead.
Vision of your Life
In the Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People, Steve Covey talks about beginning
with the end in mind. We are planning
for 2019, but need to start from the end
of your life. Start by drawing a coloured
picture of your life at its end. Do not
restrict yourself – think freely, without
limits, covering all aspects of your life
including, your personal and family life,
work life and the impact you want to
make in the community.
Set your Life Goals
Based on the picture you drew, create
SMART goals for the main areas of
your life, that is make Spiritual, Family,
Social (Community), Business/Career,
Physical, Financial, Mental/Educational
and Personal goals. SMART goals
are Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Realistic and Time Bound. Personal
goals include your thinking, attitudes,
and behavior including habits. Review
the goals you have written once or twice
to ensure that you have included all the
goals you want to achieve.
Set One and Three Year
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Once you have set your life goals, set
goals for 2021, and 2019, ensuring that
they are aligned to your life goals. Review
your 2021 and 2019 goals twice or thrice,
and once you are satisfied with them,
make an implementation plan for 2019,
by breaking down your annual plan into
what you will do in Quarter 1, that is
January to March, and then, what you will
do in January.
Take Action
Though very vital, planning is just one part
of achievement. The key to achievement
is in execution. Come January, begin
implementing your plan at once. Indeed
you can even start on it in December to