Take Yourself On A
Personal Retreat
By Caroline Nyamwaya Mwazi
he end of the year is a good time
to take stock of things – to reflect
on your life and plan how to move
forward. Taking yourself on a retreat is a
good way to do this, so in this Issue we look
at steps to help you conduct one. You can
do this over 2 Saturdays, or over a weekend.
You could also do it in bits over several days
until you’re done. The important thing is
to do the retreat as outlined intentionally,
seriously, thoroughly, and most importantly,
The important thing is to be in a place
where you can concentrate and do the
exercises without distractions. Carry a
notebook, pen and coloured pencils or
crayons. Go through the exercises as laid
out, feeling free to take breaks whenever
you need.
Reflect on your Journey
As you look at your life journey, list the
positive things you have gained along the
way. These would include good habits,
good choices, positive experiences and
relationships. Make a list of the negatives
as well - bad choices, hurtful events and
experiences. Next, write down how your
Draw your Life Journey
life has life defined you. Do you like who
Start by drawing a colored picture of you have become? The answer is usually a
your life as a journey, starting with when mixed bag – there are some things you like,
you were born, until now. Highlight the and others that you wish to be different.
Get Away
milestones in your life through your Write things you like about your life and
journey, using graphics, such as trees, what you would like to be different.
Go to a quiet place alone. This is your time mountains, valleys, rivers and deserts.
As you look at the lists you made, choose
to think things through freely and without
not to beat yourself over the negative
interruption. If you’re unable to get away,
Give Thanks
things, but accept them for what they are:
create time alone by getting up earlier or
experiences and lessons. Everyone’s life is
staying up late for a number of days until
Look at the picture you have drawn.
a tapestry of highs and lows. Accept your
you’re done. You can also create your own
Whether your life has been good or bad,
life and realize that you have a choice to
space during your work-day by doing the
you’re here, and that’s an achievement.
continue down the path you are on or
exercises quietly during your lunch break
Pause to give thanks to God for sustaining
choose a different, better one.
for several days.
you up to this point.
Some you win, some you lose. Everyone has
their personal journeys, and lessons to learn in
life – if they are willing. Taking time to draw
lessons from difficult experiences empowers
us to deal more effectively with similar situa-
tions in future, building new internal reserves
of strength and confidence.
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Review the 2 lists and write down the
lessons you have learnt from both your
positives and negatives. Review and edit
the list of your lessons several times until
you have crystalized them into about 5
practical lessons, which will guarantee
success if you follow them.
Check your Attitude
Now let’s reflect on your usual attitude. Is
it generally positive and upbeat, or dark