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listening? Be it when we place our tale or message online …. Be it those unavoidable YouTube Ads that go on and on, extolling and preaching the virtues of our organization. Be it when we place our invasive messages on Print Media. Be it when we plaster our Posters on our Public Bus stages and our Communal and Private Walls. And of course when we hoist our gigantic Outdoor Banners. What if we took that extra effort, and moment to offer a courteous introduction? What if we took another moment to seek permission to engage? Thereafter, what if we took another moment to enquire on our target audience’s state? What if we still took a further moment to weigh their receptiveness, and of course their level of engagement? Would this make for a more effective reach and reaction? Perhaps the active engagement we seek and strive for? Wouldn’t this be way more useful in enhancing our relationship with our target audience? Wouldn’t this be the founding of a relationship destined to “last till death do us a part?” Have you ever shared the amazing experience of a couple who actively listen to one another? In thought, in deed and in word? What if you could create a similar relationship with your target audience? With your target clientele? What would that do for you and your clientele? Are you listening? Are they? Just who is listening? Ronnie Robert serves as a Prof iling Consultant as well as an Innovative Venture and Systems Strategist with Optimal Resources Consultancy. He offers empowering support for Concerns within the Entrepreneurial, Political and Business space. You can commune with him on this or related matters via mail at: Ronnnierobert@