MAL 17/17 MAL 17:17 MARKETING AFRICA | Page 34

LISTNERSHIP WHO’S LISTENING? ARE YOU? AM I? By Ronnie Robert A s the story so often goes, a tale is told …. Indeed a tale is told. Yes indeed, we have a myriad of tales on which to base our story. Our story! Yours and mine! Yes indeed we have a lifetime of tales we can tell as well. And tell we will. Tell and tell without a care as to who is listening. Come to think of it, just who is listening? Have you ever wondered whether they’re actively listening or passively listening? Are you listening? Am I? How many times have you taken but a moment to observe your listener when you speak? How often have you critically observed them? Their occasional head nods? Their gestures as you speak? Possibly their posture? Are they truly actively engaging with you, or are they simply engaging their inherent reflexology as you speak? A nod here! An occasional “Uhh” and “Aaah” there? Is your voice droning on and on in their space? Is it taking up their atmosphere? ‘‘ How often do we gauge our target audience for signs of active listening? Be it when we place our tale or message online …. Be it those unavoidable YouTube Ads that go on and on, extolling and preaching the virtues of our organization. Be it when we place our invasive messages on Print Media, or plaster our Posters on our Public Bus stages and our Communal and Private Walls.’’ 32 MAL 17/17 ISSUE What if you asked for a response to gauge whether or not they are indeed participatory in your verbal engagement? What does your response solicitation draw from them? An “Umm”…. Probably an “Eeer”…. Or possibly the dreaded, “Could you repeat that please?” Well Well! Is your audience truly listening? How do you feel now? Dejected? Silly? Unappreciated? Why ever so? Why didn’t you ever bother to engage them in your discussion? Did you bother to understand their frame of mind before you began your tale? Did you care to understand who they were or what they yearned for before you lodged into telling your tale? What if you had? Would the response have been any different? Perhaps it would have. Perhaps not! Do you care? What if you transpose this scenario to your organization’s marketing approach! Do you care now? Is your hefty spend vis a vis your effectiveness reason enough to care? How often do we gauge our target audience for signs of active