Major Magazine | Page 18

Courtesy of Noah Kuczkowski

Have you played in any bands? If so, what were your thoughts? Did you enjoy it?

I’ve been in a bunch of bands and some talent shows in high school. I’m currently part of York College Rock Band and a church group called IV. Some bands have been fun and others just frus-trating. It just depends on who you’re with and your attitude about it. It can be the most incredible experience ever.

On the flipside, have you been a roadie for any bands? If so, what was your experience? If not, would it be something you’d like to do? Why/why not?

Yes! I’ve run sound, tech, or just been a roadie on several occasions. I currently run sound for a group at my school called York Live, which is responsible for stage management all around York city and right here at the school. Again, it depends on the group of people you work with but it can be a lot of fun. I hope to become a board member for this club!


If somebody were to begin playing guitar, what would you recommend for starting equipment and why?

Anything cheap! Some of my best guitars have been $20 pur-chases. Typically, the older the guitar, the better. You don’t need anything fancy or expensive. One of my first guitars only had 5 out of 6 strings for a long time until I could afford new strings. Also, if you get something inexpensive you don’t worry about it as much. I still gig my Epiphone Les Paul instead of my Gibson sometimes if I’m worried about it being damaged or stolen.

Do you consider your field of study difficult? Why/why not?

I wouldn’t say it’s difficult at all, but it’s a field I’ve been in for a long time. It just seems like all the classes come to me naturally.

In conclusion, what do you plan on doing after you finish your degree? Do you have any careers in mind?

I really hope to start my own private recording studio or maybe a live sound touring company, although it will be a challenge. I don’t really want to perform with a professional band but I’d love to be behind the scenes.