Maine Motif Maine Motif May 2017 Issue 3 Volume I | Page 25

Dream It, Plan It, Do It! Energize Your Teaching Through Entrepreneurial Thinking 110 Little - Dr. Josef Hanson, clinician In this interactive session, participants will discover how to invigorate their careers and the music scenes at their schools through the power of entrepreneurial thinking. Entrepreneurship is not just for businessmen—it’s a process of transforming ideas into tangible value. Learn how to recognize musical opportunities, utilize existing resources in new ways, and measure the results of innovative efforts in light of personal goals and the National Standards. Each participant will develop a strategic “pocket plan” for a new musical endeavor of interest-- perhaps a musical collaboration, curricular innovation, student-run enterprise, or alternative ensemble. 2:15-4:15 Directors’ Band Rehearsal Orono High School, 14 Goodridge Drive 3:10-4:10 Bridges to the Community: Planting Seeds for a Lifetime of Musical Growth Bodwell Lounge - Lillie Feierabend, clinician Music Educators plant seeds for a lifetime of music making but teachable moments do not always happen in the classroom. This session shares a dozen ways to enrich the musical growth and development of your students, your school and community while providing opportunities to inspire a lifelong love of music. State of the Arts 130 Little - Beth Lambert, clinician In this session participants will look at and discuss Maine's ESSA state application and consider ways to work with their districts to include continued and increased support for music instruction and professional development. Vocal Jazz Reading Session 101 Neville - Mimi Rohlfing, clinician