Maine Motif Issue 3, Vol. II (Spring 2018) | Page 15
Glenburn School Celebrates
“Music In Our Schools” Month
By Sarah Williams, Gr. 2-8 Music Teacher
To celebrate Music in Our School's Month I asked students and staff at Glenburn
School to take a moment and think about how music connects to them. I wanted
them to reflect that, even if they are not in a music class or taking an instrument,
they are touched by music. I also wanted them to learn something new about
members of our school. For grades 2-4, students colored iPods and wrote a
playlist on the front. Students either wrote who their favorite singer/band were,
favorite songs, or style of music. This gave us an opportunity to talk about why
they were important to the students. Staff members and older students (grades
5-8) wrote about their favorite song, favorite band, or favorite lyric and how
music connects to them.