Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 15

If a water is not listed then only General Fishing Laws apply . See inside front cover flap and pages 2-3 .
BEN LAKE , Wallagrass ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-11 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BENNETT POND , Parkman ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-11 , S- 19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BENNETT POND , BIG , Guilford ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S- 11 . Open to open water fishing from April 1 - November 30 : S-19 .
BENNETT POND , LITTLE , Willimantic ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 .
BENSON POND , BIG , Bowerbank , Willimantic ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . From January 1 - March 31 : S- 8 , S-21 , S-22 . From April 1 - September 30 : ALO , S-8 , S-21 , S-22 .
BENSON POND , LITTLE AND TRIBUTARIES , Bowerbank ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 17 .
BERRY PATCH ( UNNAMED ) POND , Day Block Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-10 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BERRY POND , BIG , Johnson Mountain Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-20 .
BERRY POND , LITTLE , Johnson Mountain Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 . Motorboats prohibited .
BICKFORD POND , Porter ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
BIG BROOK , T13 R10 WELS to T15 R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except :
- From the Burt Garrity Road downstream to Big Brook Lake : Motorboats prohibited .
- From the outlet of Big Brook Lake to the confluence with the Allagash River : S-11 .
BIG BROOK LAKE , T14 R10 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Motorboats prohibited .
BIG LAKE , Big Lake Twp , Grand Lake Stream Plt , Greenlaw Chopping Twp , Indian Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : The portion of Big Lake at the mouth of Grand Lake Stream westerly of the two red markers , one set on the point about 200 yards west of Little River Bluff and one set on an unnamed point on the opposite shore near Greenlaw Island , shall be closed to all ice fishing . Daily bag limit on smallmouth bass : 1 fish ; all smallmouth bass between 12 and 20 inches must be released alive at once . No size or bag limit on largemouth bass . Daily bag limit on white perch : 25 fish . From October 1 - December 31 : S-4 , S-7 .
( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-9 .
BIG WOOD POND , Attean Twp , Dennistown Plt , Jackman ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-3 , S-11 , S-19 , S-22 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 . From December 1 - March 31 : Open to ice fishing at night for cusk , smelts , and yellow perch .
BIG WOOD POND , LITTLE , Attean Twp , Dennistown Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 , S-16 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BILL MORRIS POND , T3 R5 BKP WKR ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-19 , S-20 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BILLFISH POND , Trout Brook Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S- 19 . Only 1 trout may exceed 14 inches . The use of motorboats or outboard motors is prohibited . Closed to the taking of live baitfish . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BILLINGS PONDS , Parmachenee Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-20 . From August 16 - September 30 : FFO , S-7 .
BILLY BROOK , Brownfield ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From confluence with Shepards River upstream to Main Street : S-9 , S-19 .
BIRCH AND EAST BRANCH BIRCH STREAMS , Argyle Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws for Tribal Waters ( page A-3 ) apply to those portions located in Indian Territory . Penobscot Indian Territory .
BIRCH HARBOR POND , Winter Harbor ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-10 . Motorboats prohibited . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BIRCH RIDGE PONDS , TA R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 .
BISCAY POND , Bristol ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
BLACK BROOK AND TRIBUTARIES , T3 R4 BKP WKR ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the confluence with the Dead River upstream to the Dead River Hatchery : Closed to fishing until June 1 .
BLACK HILL POND , Embden ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BLACK LAKE AND TRIBUTARIES AND OUTLET TO BARRIER DAM , Fort Kent ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Motorboats over 6 horsepower prohibited .
BLACK POND , Saint John Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-11 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BLACK POND , T15 R9 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 19 . Only 1 brook trout may exceed 14 inches . Closed to the taking of live baitfish .
BLACK POND , LITTLE ( NORTH ) AND TRIBUTARIES AND OUTLET TO BLACK POND , T15 R9 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-19 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish .
BLACK POND , LITTLE ( SOUTH ) AND TRIBUTARIES AND OUTLET , T15 R9 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-19 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish . Pond open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : FFO , S-7 .
BLACK POND , LOWER , Oxbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-20 .
BLACK POND , UPPER , Bowmantown Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-20 .
BLACK RIVER , BIG , T14 R16 WELS to T15 R13 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-11 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish except by hook and line . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO . Open to taking bass and muskellunge only . From the confluence of Fivemile Brook in T15 R14 WELS upriver to the confluence of Depot Stream in T14 R15 WELS : B . S-19 . ( See also Shields Branch ).
BLACK RIVER , LITTLE , ( TRIBUTARY TO THE SAINT JOHN RIVER ), T19 R12 WELS to Allagash ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-11 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish , except by hook and line . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited from June 1 - September 15 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 .
BLACKMAN STREAM , Bradley ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the downstream side of the Route 178 bridge in Bradley to the Penobscot River : closed to all fishing from July 1 through September 30 , both days inclusive .
Leonard ' s Mills Dam in Bradley : Fishing is prohibited in or from the fishway ; there are no distance restrictions when fishing near the fishway ( Title 12 , subsection 12457 ).
BLAKE LAKE , T16 R6 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO .
BLAKESLEE LAKE , T5 R6 BKP WKR ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-19 .
BLANCHARD POND , Alder Stream Twp . General fishing laws for Tribal Waters ( page A- 3 ) apply , except : CI . FFO . No motors allowed . Penobscot Indian Territory .
BLANCHARD PONDS , Davis Twp , Lang Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply ,