Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 14

SPECIAL FISHING LAWS If a water is not listed then only General Fishing Laws apply . See inside front cover flap and pages 2-3 .
Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 . No size or bag limit on togue .
BALLARD POND , Farmington , Temple ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S- 11 .
BARKER ( PARKER ) POND , Dayton , Lyman ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-13 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BARKER POND , Bowmantown Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-20 .
BARKER POND , Cornville ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 , S- 19 .
BARKER POND , Hiram , Sebago ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
BARNARD POND , Eustis ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BARRETT POND , Holeb Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S- 16 . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited .
BARROWS LAKE , Alexander ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-33 .
BASIN BROOK , Auburn ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 , S-19 .
BASIN POND , Fayette ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-10 , S-13 . Only 1 brook trout may exceed 14 inches . Closed to the taking of live baitfish . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BASIN POND , Pierce Pond Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BASKAHEGAN LAKE , Brookton Twp , Topsfield ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Daily bag limit on white perch : 25 fish . From October 1 - December 31 : S-4 , S-7 .
BAUDS ( DAGGETTS ) POND , New Vineyard ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 .
BAXTER STATE PARK WATERS , T2 R9 WELS , T6 R8 WELS , etc . ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Closed to the taking and use of live baitfish in all park waters . The use of motorboats or outboard motors in the Park is prohibited except on Matagamon and Katahdin Lakes . See individual water listings for any additional special fishing laws .
BEAL ( TROUT ) POND , Madrid ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S- 16 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : FFO , S-7 .
BEAN POND , T2 R12 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 18 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 -
November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAN PONDS ( LOWER , MIDDLE , UPPER ), Rainbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-16 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAN POT POND , T5 R15 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 .
BEAN ( BEANS ) POND , Pleasant Ridge Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : FFO , S- 7 .
BEAR POND , Bowerbank ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-8 , S-11 , S-21 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAR POND , Elliottsville Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 16 .
BEAR POND , Rainbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 17 .
BEAR POND , T2 R13 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAR POND , Waterford ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAR POND AND TRIBUTARIES , TA R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO .
BEARCE LAKE , Baring Plt , Meddybemps ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Outboard motors are prohibited .
BEATTIE POND , Beattie Twp , Lowelltown Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-16 .
BEAU LAKE , T19 & 20 R11 WELS , T20 R12 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-11 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish .
BEAVER MOUNTAIN LAKE ( LONG POND ), Sandy River Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-17 .
BEAVER POND , Bridgton ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats with internal combustion engines prohibited .
BEAVER POND , Denmark ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited .
BEAVER POND , Forsyth Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 16 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAVER POND , Magalloway Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 .
BEAVER POND , Seven Ponds Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO . Beaver Pond Dam : Fishing is prohibited in or from the fishway ; there are no distance restrictions when fishing near the fishway ( Title 12 , subsection 12457 ).
BEAVER POND , Township D ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAVER POND , BIG , Rainbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 .
BEAVER POND , BIG , T7 R9 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S- 11 , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEAVER POND , LITTLE , Magalloway Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , only 1 trout may exceed 14 inches . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : FFO , S-7 .
BEAVER POND , LITTLE , Rainbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 .
BEAVER POND , LITTLE AND TRIBUTARIES , T3 R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 17 .
BEAVER TAIL POND , T14 R9 & 10 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-11 , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S- 7 .
BEDDINGTON LAKE , Beddington ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-33 .
BEECH HILL POND , Otis ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 , S-3 , S- 13 . No minimum length on togue . Daily bag limit on togue : 6 fish , only 1 of which may exceed 33 inches . All togue between 23 and 33 inches must be released alive at once . During January and February : All landlocked salmon must be released alive at once without removal from the water . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
BELGRADE STREAM , Mount Vernon , Belgrade ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From Wings Mills Dam in Mount Vernon to the downstream side of the Route 27 bridge in Belgrade : Open to ice and open water fishing from January 1 - December 31 : S-19 . The use of all legal forms of bait , artificial lures , and artificial flies is permitted .
BELL POND , Monson ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
BEMIS STREAM , Township D , Rangeley Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the headwaters downstream to the red markers on Mooselookmeguntic Lake : FFO , S-1 , S-17 . From August 16 - September 30 : FFO , S-7 .