43 Magnus Spark , volume 4
Best Practices & Behavioral Patterns
Technical & Engineering
Active Recruitment is a must
Relying solely on job postings often limits the speed and quality of hiring . A more proactive approach , such as active recruitment , is essential to attract the right talent quickly . Even when using job postings , designing a clear promotion and outreach plan is crucial .
R & D Recruitment : A Smart Investment
Recruiting for R & D roles has proven to be a highly effective strategy . One notable trend is the lower turnover rate among R & D professionals compared to other technical fields . This makes the investment in sourcing and hiring R & D talent especially worthwhile , offering long-term stability and fostering innovation for the company .
Flexible Work is in high demand
Flexible work is highly valued by professionals , with candidates prioritizing location , hours , and work-life balance .
43 Magnus Spark , volume 4