Magnolia Green Member Newsletter - March 2023 March 23 Member Newsletter | Page 5


It ’ s the time of year that every golfer dreads ! Time for Spring aerification . Every Spring and Fall , golf courses around the world aerify greens to relieve compaction and open the surface to allow for better water , oxygen , and nutrient infiltration into the profile of the green . This spring we will be using deep , solid tines . No core will be removed from greens . Following the aerification , we will topdress and roll greens to help smooth them back out . We will also add fertilizer and plant protectants after we aerify to set us up for a successful season .
Spring is also the time to get your pre-emergent herbicide out . This application will aide in keeping the golf course weed free through the summer . It is a good practice to make an application to your lawns as well . It is much more cost effective and safe to prevent weeds from coming up than it is to kill them once they have emerged .
I hope to see everyone on the course !

Jay Wade
