Magnetic Tape No.5 05 | Page 19

SPRING 2014 When and how did Wolf Town DIY form? Page 18 Andrew: Myself and Richard were already doing labels (Let Your Fingers Do The Walking! and Quiet City Records) and our paths had crossed on a couple of releases already; Wrestling / Champions League split 7”, Plaids 7”. We also both approached Owen from Gone Wishing about a cassette release on more or less the same day, so once we got chatting and decided to just do a label together! Rory had done artwork and various bits and bobs for both of us as well as releasing the wrestling cassette on his own label Man the Ramparts. So when we decided to do something together we knew straight away we had to get Rory involved. All this was roughly 15 months ago (?!) and here we are now! "I JUST LOVE TANGIBLE LITTLE ARTEFACTS LIKE RECORDS AND CASSETTES, AND THINGS LIKE ZINES AND COMICS THAT ARE ALL SORTA SIMILAR IF A CONSIDERED AMOUNT OF CARE IS PUT INTO MAKING THEM LOOK AND FEEL SPECIAL... I JUST THOUGHT IT’D BE NEAT TO BE THAT PERSON MAKING THESE LITTLE THINGS..." Richard: I often get asked where the name Wolf Town comes from so I will clear it up here – We are all from Wolverhampton, which a lot of locals call Wolf Town, so it seemed like an obvious choice! Rory: We just turned a year old sometime before Christmas, so I think it was about early 2013 when we put the first couple of things out. All three of us used to do run little labels by ourselves, but before we got too invested in doing them individually we decided upon just getting together and doing a similar thing, but underneath one imprint rather than three smaller ones. Andrew and Richard basically just messaged me asking if would like to join them, and it made perfect sense, really. Creative Common’s license; Christopher Rice ttp://