Magazines summer cover crop | Page 9

could compare their performance • Evaluate alternative reports from Fieldprint calculator that would 1) benefit the farmer; 2) encourage peer-to- peer comparisons of fields’ sustainability performance; and 3) explore reporting tools that integrates economic sustainability with environmental sustainability. • Explore partnerships with agri-businesses who might be willing to utilize a student sustainability intern for the purpose of testing Clark Poppert with Regan Gilmore, a student at the University these tools with their of Nebraska-Lincoln. Regan is an intern with the Nebraska clientele. The intent Extension. would be to evaluate the value of the Fieldprint tool to crop advisors, retail agronomists, and their clientele. program is to help set a standard of what this term Poppert has been with Servi-Tech for 29 years. is and what it means. The partnership within these As a CCA consultant and a CPCC-I, he has served groups will help establish just that. on various boards throughout the state, as well as “Having a standard definition of this term will help nationally. Poppert’s years of experience with people and organizations to understand fully of what Servi-Tech will help him serve as a mentor for this this entails. The shared vision of sustainability by these program. groups will provide people the framework of how to “This is a great chance for the interns to meet growers and understand that they are good people who measure it accurately, so we are all on the same page,” says Poppert. are working to save the soil,” he said. Regan Gilmore, an agriculture economics student at “By working with these groups for this project, it UNL, is spending the summer interning with Poppert. gives Servi-Tech excellent exposure not only with “As someone who doesn’t have an ag background, our growers, but the university and its students. It is important to keep agriculture in the foreground. While it is not only eye opening, but exciting to meet the growers within this program and learn their story and there are other great industries out there, agriculture how they are playing their part in being good stewards is and always will be important. We want students to of the land,” she said. understand the opportunities within this field and “This experience will help me move forward in my know how important it is around the world,” says career as I continue learning about different forms of Poppert. sustainable agriculture,” Gilmore said. “Sustainability” is often defined by different entities with various definitions. One of the goals with this The Cover Crop Summer 2018 9