Este artículo explica el impacto del acoso sexual en México. La severidad del acoso sexual hacia las mujeres se discute en gran medida a lo largo del artículo. Habla de leyes y regulaciones; como, artículo 259, cómo el código penal federal criminaliza el acoso sexual, sólo se aplica a los oficiales federales que permiten tal comportamiento dentro del alcance de su empleo. También se analizan las organizaciones que han tratado de erradicar el problema; como, el Proyecto Abascal se centra más en la mejora de la relación entre empleador y empleado, mientras que el otro proyecto se centra en la libertad sindical y la democracia de los sindicatos, incluida la flexibilidad legal negociada entre sindicatos y empleadores a través de Negociación. Para obtener más información, continúe leyendo este artículo.
This article explains the impact of sexual harassment in Mexico. The severity of sexual harassment towards women is largely
discussed throughout the article. He talks about laws and regulations; such as, Article 259, how the federal criminal code criminalizes sexual harassment, only applies to federal officers who permit such behavior within the extent of their employment. It also discusses organizations that have tried to eradicate the issue; such as, the Abascal Project focuses more on improving employer/employee relationship, while the other project focuses on freedom of association and the democracy of unions including negotiated legal flexibility between unions and employers through collective bargaining. To learn more continue to read this article.
The Beginning
In mexico, women are subjected to sexual harassment not only by their employers but by union workers as well. There have been several incidents occurring in the subways of Mexico City where union workers demand sexual favors throughout the entire hiring process and as a qualification to keep their job. In order to resolve these incidents the new government of the Democratic