INTERVIEW TO: HUMBERTO TORRES By: Paul Ivan Sanchez We decided to interview the best football player from CETYS Universidad Humberto Torres; with only 18 years old he is member of the OEFA team, the best group of players from all over the World. His parents, the best motivation for Humberto, are his energy for achieving his goals and all his purposes. How long have you been playing football? I’ve been playing since I was in elementary school because I used to see my father playing with the national team and I said “I want to be just like my hero”. What’s your motivation before a game? Before a game I always try to be calm with myself so I can be focused, my motivation before the begging of the match is hearing my coach telling us that we can do it and also watching my father looking at me in the benches. Does your performance in your sport affects your academic performance? I’ve always been a great student in school, but sometimes my sport is a little bit demanding so I decide to be much better in my sport than in school because my goal is to be the best player in my position in the world, so, yes I think that my sport affects my academic performance. Does have passion for your sport? I used to say that you can’t be the best in any sport if you don’t have passion for it, you need to have passion to achieve your goals so the answer is yes.