ESSAY: “ROUNDING OF GRADES” By: Irays Gómez In Article 212 of the new regulation of the law of intercultural education states that any student who has a grade with a tenths greater than .5 to .9 is rounded qualification regardless of the situation, many teachers disagree with this new law and that it is unfair that some students achieve a good grade for the effort and that some who do not make a good qualification only by the law that has just been established. Other teachers find it a favorable change for students since many times they only need a few simple tenths to pass and teachers see it as something positive. It is also reported that those who will pass the school term with an average of less than ten points will have the opportunity to take a recovery exam, which will have to be done fifteen days after the grades are raised, this is not the case of the cetys but many schools if they carry them out. Many teachers do not see it convenient or just that only whole numbers are allowed on the ballots. Believe that each teacher has to round up in a way he thinks is convenient. it can be found with students who with a 9.25 have a final grade of 10 and others who with a 9.7 have a final grade of 9.