ESSAY: “HIGH SCHOOL, THE WORSE AND BEST EXPERIENCE OF LIFE” By: Ricardo Alfonso Lau High School is one of the most difficult phases of life. It’s the moment in which you start sleeping only a few hours per night, where you meet stress and where you start to struggle with your grades. In some cases, students also face the fact that they are just a few steps from going to university, and they need to study for the admission test, adding even more stress. But not everything is like this. High School is also one of the most exciting phases of anyone’s 
 life. It’s one of the few experiences that you’ll remember for your whole life. This is because 
 many things happen; you meet many friends that will stay as your friends for many years, you decide what you want to study in the future; and in some cases, you get to meet the person of your dreams during this time. So, if you see High School from this view, you can notice that it isn’t as sad as you thought. In conclusion, High School is a very special phase that you will always remember, be it because of bad or because of good things. It all depends on the way you look at it. You can go through High School thinking that the only thing that you will do is to suffer because of the huge amount of stress. Or you can go through High School thinking that it is indeed hard, but you also get to have fun. It is not just studying and studying, having a good time is also very important.