My family is on the wave of women to power!
My family isn´t that big, but it has got two houses to live in .
One in which my daughters Sofía and Laura live with their father; and the
other in which live my daughters María Alejandra, Lina María; Arturo, my
husband, and me. Spite of this, we are a very united family, a great tribe that
helps us grow safe, in an environment of mutual loving and care.My family
hasn´t got babies, and it has more women than men and that is a particular
condition in modern times.
How is a family of the 21st century with independent and educated women?
This is the revolution of everyday life!
For example, in my house there isn´t one who selflessly has a life of service
for others. We are all committed to domestic work and it is everyone's
responsibility to make this work. However, sometimes we have conflicts
because the family does not fulfill their tasks, and usually that person is Lina
Maria, but she every day strives to improve this situation.
Thanks to free and quality public education, my daughters can conquer their
dreams. I have an anthropologist, a psychologist, a lawyer and a publicist at
home. They are ready to take the power to change the world!