Magazine Communication Magazine Communication | Page 11
2 Kindness 3 Utility
«More bees are attracted with honey
than with gall»; this is a traditional
saying from my country that is used
to express that kindness helps to win
friends and opens doors that
rudeness closes.
If being an honest person frees you
from emotional burdens, being kind
fills you with very good energy.
Nothing is more beautiful than being
nice to those around you. Greeting,
being grateful, saying what you think
without offending, makes people
really appreciate you.
When you choose to say things in a
communication becomes more fluid
and the atmosphere becomes more
pleasant and harmonious. Silence for Buddhists is also very
valuable. For them it is the ideal space
to listen to both others and yourself.
From what I said at the beginning, we
all want to be heard and it is
impossible to do so if people interrupt
or do not pay attention, hence the fact
of knowing how to keep silent.
But many times people talk about
filling an empty space. What this action
causes is that it impoverishes
relationships to the point of alienating
4 Harmony
Buddhists are known to seek inner and outer peace, so it is not strange that even
in communication they seek to maintain harmony.
For Buddhists, words are only justified when they are a way to nurture goodwill
and peace among people. This is how for them any message that does not
contribute to that goal will only be a mechanism to generate misunderstandings
and damage relationships.
Harmony in communication must convey peace and be clear and concise, in order
to enrich relationships and make communication more fluid.
When two people communicate, it’s important to know how to reach each other.
Therefore, the fact of being truthful, kind, knowing how to listen to and keep
clear and concrete ideas, helps to improve relations with others and with
Communication and innovation, two aspects that must go hand in hand.
The unexpected boom of verbal communication: the five reasons that explain the
oratory boom (and a prediction)
Jesús Alcoba González 8:19 - 17/11/2019 Updated: 01:00 - 1/01/70