History of anime drawings
History of anime drawings
Anime changes
Anime has changed a lot over the years. The first anime that was created is by Imokawa
Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki in 1917. Ever since then anime has gotten really popular. And as
the years go by, the drawings of the anime has changed in this article I will be talking
about how the art of anime has slowly changed.
Anime drawing in 1980’s:
The drawing in 1980’s has really dark
shadings and it has some volume in the
hair. The hair that is in front of the ear
comes out forward. The eyes are near
black. The nose is shaped like a L. Also
the forehead is really big
Anime drawing in the 1990’s:
The drawing in the 90’s has a lot of
volume in the hair and the hair and it is
really bushy. The eyes are bigger
compared to the 80’s. The colour that is
selected is brighter/lighter than 80’s.
The forehead is smaller than the 80’s.
The colours on details are lighter as well.
The mouth is really close to the nose. The
cheeks are really coming out.