Magazine article - ANIME 1 | Page 7

Q13: It must be a lot of work to pump out a new story every week! What is the most challenging aspect of being a professional manga artist? And what's the most fun thing? Hiro Mashima: The fun thing is about being a manga artist is being able to travel and meet my fans. I've been to France, Guam, Taiwan, Italy and New Zealand, but other than this event, the only other convention-type event was in Taiwan. The hardest part is that I'm not able to see my daughter as much as I'd like. Q14: How long does it take you to sketch, draw a chapter of Fairy Tail, from beginning to end? Hiro Mashima: It takes about five days. On Monday, I work on the script and storyboards. On Tuesday, I work on the rough sketches. Then Wednesday through Friday, I finish the drawing and inking. Q15: What do you like to do when you're not drawing manga? Hiro Mashima: I love movies, I like to play games and read books. I really like Brave heart, Lord of the Rings… I do love to listen to music when I work, but my favorite band is Green Day. Q16: Do you have any advice for aspiring manga artists? Hiro Mashima: Just enjoy yourself! Obviously, it 's extremely important that you're passionate about manga. But it’s also important to watch movies, play games, read books and get inspiration from those forms of entertainment too. Q17: If you had a chance to talk to a reader who hasn't read Fairy Tail yet, how would you convince them to pick it up and give it a try? Hiro Mashima: I guess I want to encourage readers to just have fun reading this story, and not think too deeply about it. Just come along with Natsu and enjoy the adventure!