Note in the third person the verb is modified in positive sentences, for example in sentences ending in a consonant C¬ + Y = ies
And sentences ending an a vocal V+ Y = S
Negative sentence
Subj+ auxiliary+ negative+ complement
I don’t work on Fridays
She doesn’t like to cook
He doesn’t eat hot dogs
Auxiliary + subj + verb+ compl
Do you eat hot dogs?
Do you study for the exam?
Yes I do / no I don’t (short answers)
Yes I do / no I don’t (short answers)
Wh questions
What do you?
When do you eat lunch?
Where do you go sleep?
American English and British English
when we used the different forms to speak about have we can used two forms to refer, the American form and British, the first is have, form example:
For affirmative sentences is:
i have a new car and
other object, the same to he m she and all the subjects ( she,they, we + have + verb)
Also we used for question the next structure:
Do you have a new car?
short answer( yes i do - no i don't