MAGAZINE about the different topics working in English | Page 17

The demonstratives

When talk us about of objects usually used forms to referred according how many, where are they, here used us the principals:

THIS: is to objects that are near and singular.

THAT: to objects that are fair and singular.

THESE: is to objects that are near and plural and THOSE to the objects.

The form to use these demonstratives in affirmative sentences are:

This ¬+ are + my + glasses

(Demos) + (to be) + (subj) + (complement)

In the negative sentences are:

That + isn’t ¬+ my pen

(Demos) + (to be -) + (subject) + (complement)

The question sentences are:

Is this pen mine?

Are those desk in the classroom?

(To be) + (Demos) + (object) + (complement)

The demonstratives are the most important because can we used to for many prayers or to indicate in a place the objects that are there and be able to talk about them.

Simple present

Do / does

Personally, the simple present in school, even in the university, was a complicated part for me, fortunately I learned how used, after many tries. Now I feel happy because now this topic is easy for me. I want explain it:

DO: I, you, we, and they

DOES: She, He It (third person singular)

Affirmative sentence:

She studies in the classroom

He works in my factory

Alex makes the dinner