MAD pages Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 37

Myth 6: I only get one shot at choosing a career: Fact: You are not stuck in a career forever many people don't do career planning and hence end up changing careers numerous times in their lives until they find the right one. We still suggest you make right choices the first time over to reduce the stress and re-skilling that accompanies the change in career. Myth 7: A change in career would mean a waste of my current skill: Fact: To an extent yes but not completely, the skills that you acquire over a period of time remain with you over the life time. Behavioral skills always remain the same across industry and while you learn new skills for the new job you can always have and utilize the older skills in some way or other. Myth 8: The career my friend or family chose made them successful, I should choose the same: Fact: Even the five fingers on your own palm are not same length, that's the way it goes with people, everybody is different depending on their skill, behaviors, upbringing, learning capacities and the ability to perform so what works for someone not necessarily would work for you. Myth 9: The moment I choose a career all my work is done: Fact: Choosing the career is only the beginning you need to build it and develop it as per the trends and keep your knowledge and skills current to progress steadily in any career you choose. Myth 10: I can't learn about a job without experience: Fact: Though there's no shortcut to hard-work and experience it's not the only way to learn something. You can learn about a particular field by asking the people who already work in it, by observing them, by researching on it. The Google Generation has an easy adage with the research part. I hope this helps you make better choices and build a better career. 37