Saurabh Verma
Myth 1: Making a choice of career is simple: Fact: Making a choice of career is a complex process and requires enormous amount of information research and analysis before a decision is made.
Myth 2: Career Counselors can make the best choice for me: Fact: A Career counselor can tell you about the various choices and the outcomes of the choices but cannot and should not make the choice for you.
Myth 3: Hobbies can't earn me a Living: Fact: Hobbies followed with enough amount of passion and given a chance to showcase the talent can be far more lucrative than any of the top paying jobs. It ensures a certain degree of satisfaction which in a non-interest field can never be found
Myth 4: Choosing from a best career list is a safe bet: Fact: A job or a career which is hot this year won't necessarily be that hot next year or in near future there are more chances it might even get obsolete. Though it's not wrong to choose from the list but it is not a fool proof plan to do so either.
Myth 5: Boxes full of money guarantees happiness: Fact: Money is the most basic need for survival but it is not the only thing in the world. A career which doesn't satisfy you mentally might earn you a better life will never be helping you make a better living.