Ÿ Understanding Yourself: The first step in the
process of Career Planning is Understanding of Self. In this step one is supposed to make a sheet of skills, passion, hobbies and interests. When you ask yourself clearly what your interests, skills and passions are you tend to understand where you currently are, what your abilities are and hence you move to the second step.
Ÿ Discovering: Discovering is the second step
Ÿ this step one has to decide and finalize what one wants from a career by comparing different careers that are available as well as preparing a list of pros and cons to ascertain the risk of the decision. Understanding current situation and responsibilities, the advantages and disadvantages of all the options that are available to choose. Ÿ Action Time: The most important step of Career Planning is the taking Actions on all the plans and research have been done. Without prompt and decisive action the whole process of Career Planning is nothing but waste. To take action one needs to create action plans based on the most current trends, up to date facts about all particular options, the action plan should be specific and detailed to ensure zero margin for error. Actions should be time bound and should be challenging but achievable, and should be aligned with the goals, values and interests.
of Career Planning where you do all the research work related to the list that you prepared on the first step. Researching on the careers available as per your interests and skills, help you develop your own niche and also provides a sense of satisfaction as compared to choosing a pre-determined career by someone else. In the process of discovering, one shall research the jobs/career available the responsibility the culture and also the skills that are required to progress at a steady pace in the chosen career.
Ÿ Deciding: Deciding, the third step is the most
Specific Questionnaires and tables to ascertain all the steps can be found at MAD pages website in the coming week.
difficult step of the Career Planning Process in