excuse me for my words then I would like to add that : we ourselves , Indians , have no more brotherhood for citizens of our own country and so how can someone expect the brotherhood for the people who are opposite to the boundaries . And that ' s it , here the problem end or appropriate to say problem starts , we are not ready to understand each other we only need a reason to fight . It would be more trouble if now both the countries unite to one because after that we ' ll fight for the name of country so I don ' t hope for that . We once lived with brotherhood so we can hope that we can become friends again . I think there is a room for this possibility if we accept and a d m i t t h e mistakes . Lets admit it things are wrong in both sides . If we can hate each other then why can ’ t we love each other ? Have you ever felt that you should have a friend in Pakistan ?
I ' ve checking videos on YouTube and a video of Coco Cola titled “ Coca-Cola Small World Machines - Bringing India & Pakistan Together ” dragged a lot of my attention ( Here is its link http :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = ts _ 4vOUDImE watch it ). In that video the people of India and Pakistan share their views about each other and express their sorrow and then two trucks one in Lahore and other in Delhi travels to malls and big box is unloaded to both the place and when unwrapped it ' s a machine more like a refrigerator and a big touchscreen in front . And these machine were linked to each other . One in Lahore and other in Delhi . And in the screen message displays
‘ Do you want to make a friend in Pakistan ’ and the same message displays in Lahore for making friends in India . Person on both side create a circle on screen then it turned into symbol of world peace . People on both side do different things like dancing in front of machine . All and all this video shows how can we share happiness with each other . This is an unique effort by MNC like Coco Cola who are putting theirs to make both the nation united . I personally appreciate Coco Cola for this effort . And you should watch this video because there is something more than what I ’ ve described . This video touched my heart .
There is always a hope that we will unite some day . And I believe that if we try then we c a n f o r m a relation which is more stronger t h a n t h o s e b o u n d a r i e s . Voice of our faith i s m o r e t h a n noise of those gun firings and
bomb blasts . Someone has to start the things then why shouldn ’ t we lead first and raise our hands for friendship . Things won ’ t go right with saying the things or writing it on papers , it will work when we act on it . So this independence don ’ t only say the things , just do it . Let us start from now and what happen if we haven ’ t share the same date for celebration but we can now celebrate two days for Independence . So I wish every one from India and Pakistan , a very Happy Independence Day . So this is my connection of hope that we would someday be a friends with faith on each other .