MAD pages Volume 1 | Issue 1 | August 2013 | Page 22

Connection of hope th

5 August 1947 , everyone knows its Independence Day . It ' s time to 1celebrate , is it ? The great men led the revolution and they marched out against the British Raj , bloods shed in this war , many sacrifices and the great stories tagged with it . But what ' s now ? Let ' s speak of the harsh side of this Independence . The Englishmen left the country but before leaving they have planted the seed of enemy which is born out from the ' divide and rule ' policy of the Englishmen . And that seed is grown into roots of partition and India is divided into India and Pakistan . Who is responsible for that Mr . Nehru or Mohammad Jinnah or Englishmen ? I ' m not like our judiciary system which believes in blaming game . I don ' t want to talk about it because they are now dead and they are not coming back to undo anything . No intention to insult anybody but it ' s the truth .

We are here celebrating the 68th anniversary of our independence , but I ' ve another approach to this we have successfully completed 66 years of enemity with Pakistan . Somewhere in past we are brothers and sisters but now the things get worsened to situation that we cannot even share the same date to celebrate our independence . If you