MAD pages Volume 1 | Issue 1 | August 2013 | Page 20

Great Words on youth

EGO and the youths words of Sri Sri

Today , one of the problems with youths in maintaining relations is EGO . What is ego ? Ego is not accepting things , which are not in your favor and things which are not of your will . Sometimes it ’ s misunderstood as the self-respect of one but it ’ s false .
What is your life ? 80,100 years ? Span of life is insignificant . It is not even a drop in the ocean . In terms of space you simply don ’ t exist ! This understanding dissolves the ego . Ego is ignorance of your reality , ignorance of your existence . Now , just to know this , do we have to do something else ? Just open your eyes and ask : “ who am I ?” Awareness dawns in the mind , and you ’ ll stop worrying about little things like , “ this person said me this thing and that person broke away with me … so on ”. Leaving all this smallness takes care to see that happiness is always established in you . That is known as purushartha .
Your head will be in mud in few years ; don ’ t put mud in head while you are still alive ! Instead of thinking about our ego , we should be concentrating in maintaining love , peace in mind throughout . The day we ’ ll be in rise from our ego will be the day true equality in humanity will be there . Youths are the foundations of a society , so we should be free from ego .

Delivery Routes

A milkman , who is dying in the hospital , is surrounded by his two sons , daughter , his wife and a nurse . He says : - To you , Peter , I leave the Beverly houses . - To you , my dear daughter , I leave the apartments in the Los Angeles Plaza . - To you , Charlie , being my youngest son with a large future , I leave the City Center offices . - And you , my dear wife , the three residential buildings towers in downtown . The nurse , impressed , tells his wife , " Madam , your husband is very rich . He is bequeathing many properties ! You all are so lucky !!!" And the wife retorts , “ Rich ? Lucky ? Are you kidding me ? He is a Milkman . Those are his routes where he delivers milk ."
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty . Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old .
By Franz Kafka
Youth offers the promise of happiness , but life offers the realities of grief .
By Nicholas Sparks
Youth is a dream , a form of chemical madness .
By F . Scott Fitzgerald
Enjoy your youth . You ' ll never be younger than you are at this very moment .
By Chad Sugg