MAD pages Volume 1 | Issue 1 | August 2013 | Page 11

we forget the concept called learning and knowledge . In most of my Employability seminars and training programs , that I take for young minds in schools and colleges this is the most important quote or learning I like to impart to them ; “ To be employed is to be at risk , to be employable is risk free ” which in simple terms means getting an education to gain knowledge and skills which ensures you of an employment to last for a lifetime and not just a job which is at risk with limited knowledge and capability . What we can do about this is to start focusing on the learning and knowledge more than being focused on bagging a job , this will make us more skilled to perform the jobs that we take and will definitely impact the long term stability .
To be employed to is to be at Risk to be EMPLOYABLE is Risk free
A l l t h o s e T H E O R I E S n o Practical Applications !
The third most major problem with the current scenario of the education system is ; it ' s way too theoretical and focused on to obsolete techniques , to be anywhere near competent . We spend all the time in reading and learning all the theories , and never get a chance to apply them in practical scenarios . This is not only frustrating but also downgrading the skills of individuals and an absolute wastage of time and resources . A lot of people feel what can we do about this as it is bound by the education system , while what I suggest is to make use of the same theories and implement them in to small scale practical applications around your own self , the applications should be constructive and under an instructor if it is for smaller children .
Curious ? Bubbling with Ideas ? Raging to take more Risks ? You don ' t belong here !
Albert Einstein said , “ Curiosity is the mother of invention .”
Has it ever happened to you , that you were sitting in a class and you wanted to try a different approach to solve a problem or you wanted to learn something in a different way or you wanted to do something new but all you got in return was a stare or a punishment from the teacher or supervisor ? The education system is so keen on to the forcing the age old methodology that it suffocates new ideas and curiosity to kill it entirely . It doesn ' t mean you were wrong or the idea was it only means that the people have not been conditioned to accept the ideas of a curious mind , what we can do about this is developing the ability to accept rejection not like a failure , and finding people who would value our creativity and curiosity
One Size Fits All ! Or it doesn ' t ?
The education system is exactly like this when it comes down to assessing the ability of the individuals , now just imagine what good would it do to test all the people on this basis and what would the result be ? What we can do about this