produced by my good friend Steve Gomez , of my song " Promised Return ", which is about the return of Christ , won video of the year at Austin Community Television in 1999 . Opening in Austin once for Stevie B . was kind of cool . When I used to tour a little bit , just seeing how the music blessed , inspired and sometimes challenged people was interesting I played in both secular and Christian venues . In clubs , people would react in various ways hearing about Jesus . In Christian venues , churches etc . I got some pretty interesting reactions from those folks at hearing techno / dance music ! With regards to Christian talk radio , I ' ve had the opportunity to interview stars such as the guys from DC Talk , Jeremy Camp , Rebecca St . James , U . S . Senators , actors such as Stephen Baldwin , ministers such as Joel Ostein and Rick Warren . Everybody wants to be on radio !
Have you received any special awards or achievements ? My music video for " Promised Return " won music video of the year at Austin Public Access Television . But , I ' ll get my biggest rewards in heaven .
Do you have any special events , shows / gigs coming up ? You can catch me on my internet talk radio show , Christian Talk That Rocks , via my websites http :// christiantalkthatrocks . net or http :// christiantalkthatrocks . com and as far as music , you can catch me , if your in Austin , TX on the patio of The Elysium night club corner of Red River and 7th St . on most weekend nights doing a vocals / acoustic guitar thing .
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years ? I hope to still be doing what I ' m doing and making a survivable living .
What would you like your legacy to be ? That I brought joy , inspiration , good challenge and help to many through the power of Christ .
Do you have other interests ? What services does your company offer ? My talk show , Christian Talk That Rocks , exists in part to be a forum for discussing today ' s issues from a Christian perspective , showcasing Christian music artists and interviewing interesting guests with something to share that is either entertaining , relevant or informative . I also occasionally do voice-over work and minor recording projects as well .
Any special words of encouragement or advice for our readers ? Keep on doing what you feel you are called to do . Be persistent because everyone who became successful was . Everyone who gives up , wasn ' t .
Dreamin ’ Out Loud Recording Artist Katelyn McCarter had the pleasure of being a guest on “ Christian Talk That Rocks ”. Listen to the interview here ( interview starts at 25:55 )… Katelyn Interview