MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 \"The Special Edition\" June 2013 | Page 35

This AIN ' T YOUR GRANDMA ' S TALK RADIO ! Meet “ Christian Talk That Rocks ”

Host … Richie Laxton

Richie L . has been in Christian Music , Television and Talk Radio ( terrestrial & online ) for more than two decades . His experiences and accomplishments in the field of Christian Entertainment and Ministry allow him to bring a unique perspective to today ' s issues and current events . His keen insight , quick wit and ' out of the box thinking ' make Richie L . a stand out voice in the world of online , Christian talk radio shows . Just listen for yourself ... and then join the conversation ! To Contact : For information about Christian Talk That Rocks , Christian talk radio show , online , Richie L . or how to syndicate the radio show on your station , to send music if you are a Christian Recording Artist , or sponsorship , please send questions to : talktorichiel @ gmail . com anytime . To be a guest on the talk show or to send CD ' s or mp3 etc ., contact Belinda ( the producer ) by ph . ( 512 ) 215-9810 Mon . -Fri . or send an e-mail to the above address . Visit our sites at … Christian Talk That Rocks , Christian Talk That Rocks & The Lovely Mrs . L

Here ’ s Richie Laxton ….

Hello . What is your name ? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business ? Richie Laxton . Since I was 16 , playing in bands , writing music , recording my songs , etc . Let ' s just say a few decades !
When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation ? I had the desire to play music when I was young and enjoyed making other people enjoy what I was playing . Plus , I had music I needed to get out of myself . Being involved in radio came later though I used to announce football games in High school occasionally . By age 13 , I had this really deep , older sounding voice ! LOL !
Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most ? My mother gave me an appreciation for music and I think both of my parents encouraged me to some degree , especially my mother . I have an uncle , who was not much older than myself , who gave me encouragement too . He was a very good musician . Radio came later in my life by a lark . I was being interviewed on a talk station about a song I had put out and the host said I had a great voice and seemed comfortable talking on a mic . I had " VJ " ed and produced my own music video show on Austin Public Access TV a few years earlier called True Videos , a weekly Christian Music Video show that came on Friday nights . I did that for 3 years so , I was comfortable on mic and camera by then . Eventually , I was hired by that same radio station and host to be an on-air personality . I ' ve been doing terrestrial or internet radio for over 13 years now .
What are some of the highlights of your career so far ? In music , back in late summer 1999 , I had a song " Here Comes The Rain " go number one on MP3 . com and several others that hit number one in the dance music and pop music categories on that same site . Over the next year or so , about three dozen Christian and secular stations in the U . S . picked up that song and about two dozen around the world . Many dance clubs and DJ ' s jumped on it for a while as well . A music video ,