Where do you see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years ? I would like to see the readership for Faith Filled Family Magazine double in the next five years . I have a heart for families , and I think that Satan has really attacked this area . I would also like to launch two more publications . God has already given me the ideas , and the marketing plans . It is just in His timing as to when they are launched . I also enjoy public speaking , and wouldn ' t mind the opportunity of doing speaking engagements . I love impacting people with the word of God , and I think that families need to be given the hope that only God can provide .
What would you like your legacy to be ? It is my desire to impact families for Christ and take back what Satan has stolen . Many families feel defeated in today ' s society , and they need to feel empowered that they too , can lead a victorious life through Christ . They just need to know what the Word says . On a personal note , I want my children to see that their mom practices what she preaches . I strive to be an example of a godly wife and mother . I want them to be passionate about serving God in whatever plan God has designed for them . I want them to have good moral character , and healthy self-esteem .
Do you have other interests ? What services does your company offer ? Public speaking is one of my other interests . My husband and I were involved in Toastmasters for many years , and I enjoyed competing . In addition to articles , our company offers advertising . We are one of the few digital magazines with the ability to embed video , audio and links . We ' ve used this technology in both interviews , and advertising .
Any special words of encouragement or advice for our readers ? No matter what challenges you are currently facing , that God has designed you to walk in victory . Even when things seem hopeless and impossible in life , God can and will perform the miraculous ... all you have to do is ask , and believe !
Faith Filled Family Magazine … Faith Filled Family
Dreamin ’ Out Loud artist Katelyn McCarter was in the Spring issue of Faith Filled Family Magazine … Katelyn