Say Hello to Faith Filled Family Magazine CEO , Michelle Danko
Hello . What is your name ? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business ? Michelle Danko . I ' ve been the publisher for Faith Filled Family Magazine for almost three years .
When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation ? I ' ve always enjoyed writing . My motivation for starting a magazine came after the closing of a publication that I was working on due to lack of funds . I prayed to God telling Him that I enjoyed being a publisher , and asked what He would have me do now . I heard a quiet voice say , " Start your own magazine ." I asked for confirmation in the way of a name , which came at two in the morning , " Faith Filled Family Magazine ." I then asked , " What ' s it about ?" Again , at two in the morning , God said " Helping families live victoriously in Christ ." My third confirmation came in registering the name as a . com God has blessed the magazine richly ever since , and continues to give me incredible marketing ideas !
Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most ? Many people have helped me along the way , and in various capacities ranging from advertising leads , to marketing . I thank God because I believe that He brought them into my life to help me . God has probably helped me the most because He has always met my needs . Early in the creation of the magazine I was feeling overwhelmed and needed some help . I prayed over the situation , and two days later He sent me an editor ! I didn ' t even realize that I needed one , but she was exactly what I needed . She , along with our team of writers , have been a true blessing ! My husband would probably be next . He is amazing at marketing , and has been very supportive throughout the years . He ' s always been behind me cheering me on .
What are some of the highlights of your career so far ? We experienced huge growth from the beginning . We went from 1500 visitors per issue to 14,000-20,000 in one year . We have received numerous praise reports from our readers on an ongoing basis . It is encouraging for our writers to know that they are impacting others for the kingdom , and that they are doing a great job . We are also now interviewing more well-known and established artists , as well as being able to interview up and coming artists . We also continue to grow steadily with our visitors increasing by 20-50 % monthly .
Do you have any special events , shows / gigs coming up ? Just our spring issue coming out on April 26th .